Survivor & Thriver Luncheon
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We are so honored to have both the National Breast Cancer Foundation, INC and the Amelia Island Ritz Carlton sponsoring our Survivor & Thriver Luncheon this year. With hosts like that, we’re sure to have an amazing time as we get to know each other in the Grand Ballroom. Ooh la la!
The event will start at noon on Thursday, October 17 and run until 2pm. Bring a few dollars for the valet parking at the resort: 4750 Amelia Island Parkway.
As a reminder, please note that this experience is just for Pledge the Pink registrants that have/had breast cancer. This is our only opportunity to meet each other in a private setting and share our personal stories.

How to Sign Up
- Log in to your Dashboard. If you need help logging in email
- Click on “Confirm Your Details“
- Scroll down and select “Yes” under the question “Are you a survivor?“
- Select “Yes” under the question “Would you like to attend the Survivor Luncheon?“
- Select your lunch option. All lunches will come with mediterranean pasta, fruit, chips, beverage, and the Ritz’s world-famous cookies.
- Click “Update” and wait for page to reload.
Last Updated Sept 8, 2024 4PM EST
First Name | Last Name |
Alene | Avetian |
Amanda | Murad |
Amanda | Thomason |
Andrea | Brandt |
Angela | Davis Jones |
Ann | Tess |
Ann | Beck |
Anne | Madara |
Annette | Schwendinger |
Barbara | Boone |
Becky | Cox |
Betty | Means |
Brenda | Turner |
Caren | Guthrie |
Carmen J Lusk | Lusk |
Carol | Esau |
Carol | Smith |
Caron | Martin |
Cheryl | Morgan Maxey |
Cheryl | Bruner |
Christel | Bethea |
Cindy | Melroy |
Cindy | Goldman |
Crissy | Posner |
Cynthia | Adkins |
Dawn | Grimes |
Debbie | Caricari |
Debbie | Schutkowski |
Deborah | Carter |
Deborah | Geiss |
Deidre | Martin |
Del | Skillins |
Denise | Watson |
Devilla | Hughes |
Dianna | Jones |
Dolores | Kirwin |
Elaine | Moel |
Ellen | O’Donnell |
Gail | Crawford |
Gloria | McKinney |
Hope | Lineberry |
Jackie | Harris |
Jackie | Mills |
Jacqueline | Chapman |
Jakkie | Pidanick |
Jane | Notaro |
Jane | Cross |
Jennifer | Scott |
Joanne | Murphy |
Joetta | Scodary |
Joycelyn | George |
Julie | Clary |
Julie | Biswell |
Karen | Regan |
Karrie | Stone |
Katherine | Campbell |
Kathleen | Manol |
Kathy | Schmidt |
KC | Tippery |
Kelly | Rife |
Kimberly | de Castro |
Kimberly | Seedes |
Kristine | Godwin |
Lanita | Gautier |
Linda | Guedalia |
Lisa | Mitchell |
Lisa | Boyd |
Lori | McCartney |
Lorraine | Bacon |
Margaret | Grojean |
Marie | Warwick |
Marla | Johnston |
Mary | Gleason |
Mary | Pollock |
Mary Elizabeth | Waak |
Mel24 | Fernandes |
Melinda | Defalco |
Michelle | Rousseau |
Mischellean | Brakstad |
Mona | Fetta |
Nancy | Gautier |
Nancy | Rapp |
Pat | Finkes |
Pattie | Pennington |
Patty | Gerke |
Peggy | Dlugozima |
Reina | Fernandez |
Rhonda | Samuel-Caton |
Rhonda | Garrison |
Rita | Gray |
robin | bingaman |
Sally | Poag |
Sandy | Riemenschneider |
Serena | Ogburn |
Shannon | Frost |
Shannon | Miller |
Sharon | Hudspeth |
Sheri | Wright |
Sherri | OBerry |
Sonya | Laffoon |
Stephanie | Goddard |
Stephanie | Williams |
Suzanne | Baldwin |
Suzanne | Keefe |
Tammy | Crawford |
Tonya | Sherman |
Tracey | Camut |
Tracy | Farstad |
Veronica | Boyd |
Vickie | Curry |
Vivian | Vega |
Wendy | Sanborn |
Wendy | Harbage |
Wendy | Lay |
Winsome | Bright |